Common questions

Therapy is provided by a medical professional who is trained to advise, prescribe and treat many mental health conditions and traumatic experiences.

A certified facilitator undergoes considerable training to assist people in their personal development. There may come a point in your journey when you’re ready to accept the circumstances of your experience and want to move forward, understanding how those experiences have shaped and guided you to become the person you are. UCU offers a safe and non-judgemental space to do just that.

At Morphise the aim is to help young people navigate the challenges of life while their prefrontal cortex is still developing, training the mind to acknowledge and focus on that which serves us rather than that which holds us back.

It is an introduction into self-awareness, self-knowledge and self-reliance. When lots of adults have well-meant opinions and ideas about what a young person should or could do with their life, it’s a time to learn introspection.

Young People work with a dedicated facilitator for 8 one-to-one remote video calls and have email or voicenote support between the calls, where they will also be invited and encouraged to do some self-reflection tasks.

Learn more here and feel free to get in touch with any specific questions, queries or comments.

13-18 year olds who are curious to know more about themselves and want to make informed, personal and intentional decisions about their future. It is for young people who recognise that they are full of potential and want find ways to harness, realise and enjoy that potential in fulfilling and meaningful ways.

Mindset training is for everyone and wouldn’t the world be a richer place if we all knew ourselves and each other on a deeper level? Based on the neuroplasticity and life experiences of adults, UCU is much more suitable choice for people over 25.

Adults who want to know more about their true nature, who want to understand their drivers and motivators to live a more satisfying and fulfilled life. We feel the most satisfaction when we are in service of others and we all have something we’d deep down love to contribute to the world. UCU helps people uncover that desire, to give it shape and language and to give the participant something specific to aim for.

Absolutely. UCU started off by helping solopreneurs work out their branding and what makes them unique and has gone on to assist hundreds of people around the world to rationalise the inherent link between their personal and professional development.

Check out some of the testimonials from previous UCU members to see if any of their stories resonate.

Clean Language is a set of 10 questions which use a person’s own words to formulate the next line of enquiry and allows them to explore the unique way that they see the world. Think of your mind as a road map, a systematic route of interconnected ideas. Each person’s map is unique to them and Clean Questions help individuals investigate, understand and clarify their unique road map without any bias from the person asking the questions.

We use Clean Questions to build metaphors so that Morphise Members can gain access to the patterns that make them unique. Teenage brains develop and reshape at different rates as they grow into adulthood, so we offer a space for self-reflection and make that remodel more conscious and intentional. Some young people might find themselves on a path already and want to know more or have questions or concerns about those choices, others might not know what they want to do but may well be curious about how to be.

For Example – Imagine someone says that they’re struggling to put down their mobile phone. The learned instinct is to offer advice, such as ‘just put it in a drawer and leave it there for an hour’. Despite how appropriate and seemingly useful this suggestion is, it’s still an instruction, and despite the willingness by the other person to listen, the chances are they’ll forget about the drawer next time they pick up their phone and when they do remember what they were ‘supposed’ to do they might even feel like a failure.
Using Clean Language – There are many well-meaning adults in a young person’s life, there is a lot of information and advice online, and there are countless coaching and mentoring programmes available with worksheets and reflective tasks. Those options often come with biases attached and can actually lead to even more confusion if what you want doesn’t conform. Clean Language is a way of making sure the young people at Morphise stay in the driving seat every step of the way and that it’s their choices and their path that gets forged and followed. <br><br>We use Clean Language in a very specific way to help young adults begin to map the structures of their thinking. It starts with understanding what the young person wants to focus on (such as time management or future career ideas) and then giving them the space, guidance and encouragement to dive a little deeper, finding clarity, perspective and sometimes even new ideas.

Elise is on a mission to raise the tide on personal development in schools, colleges and universities, meaning more self-knowledge in the classroom from both the adults and the young people. To do so she provides bespoke training to individual educators, entire faculties, senior leadership teams and will also present these concepts to Governors and decision makers. Get in touch today to explain your interest in this work so that we can make a plan together.

Use the contact page and write a brief explanation of what you’d like to discuss and we’ll get back to you.

Alternatively, you might like to join the upcoming webinar to find out more about Morphise.